Biometric applications for police
Les applications de la biométrie en matière policière
Some countries are building biometric databases for criminals :
- (2014) USA / FBI: IAFIS, now NGI.fingerprint: 77 million records. criminals: 2 hours, civil: 24 hours
- (2013) Australia NAFIS (Crimtrac) 6.3M fingerprints / 3.7M individuals. 837000 DNA records
- UK: 5.5M fingerprints, 3.4M DNA
- France: FAED 4.8M fingerprint individuals, 2.5M DNA
- (2013) Interpol: 189k fingerprints, 140k DNA from 69 countries
AFIS : Automated Fingerprint Automated System, or IAFIS (Integrated AFIS) in the USA.
Old-fashionned to automated acquision :
Print examination and latent prints (AZAFIS AFIS of Arizona):