Biometrics movies 2012

The Bourne Legacy (2012)
Jason Bourne l'héritage
Palm recognition to access the lab.
Resident Evil: Retribution (2012)
(routinely) intruders identification.
Likely face recognition by the red queen.
Jack Reacher (2012)
Fuming the quarter... the latent print is visible...
...extracting minutiae...
...searching and match found!
Owner is identified.
(BTW, very close to the real world)
Dredd (2012)
face recognition in the street
Judge's gun DNA check
And sure, this guy didn't see Judge Dredd, so he didn't know that only the owner of a judge's gun...
...can fire without risk.
James Bond 24: Skyfall (2012)
Q gave a gun (Walter PPK 9mm short) with palmprint recognition (with "thermal microsensors")
And sure, the bad guy tried to use it against Bond :)
Lockout (2012)
hand recognition access in the MS-1 jailhouse
The Avengers (2012)
Loki face recognition matched.
Access control: eye recognition required...
... so a "receptor" is placed ...
... and a "transmitter" as well ...
... manipulated by Loki, to obtain the required eye -not the easy way- ...
... so the eye is transmitted ...
... and recognition performed.
Eye recognition to open the weapons casing.
Total Recall (2012)
Eye recognition at the First Bank.
Fingerprint recognition to open the safe at the First Bank. (BTW, did you notice that Obama is on a banknote?)
Fingerprint recognition at home.
Fingerprint recognition at home, under the mirror.
Safe House (2012)
Sécurité rapprochée
Face recognition to access the CIA room.
Batman The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Hand recognition to access the nuclear reactor.
Miranda and Julius Fox.
The Expatriate (2012)
Logan is paid to spoof a retina (?) recognition system.
He uses 50 iris images in a loop on a smartphone (iris and not retina images!?!)...
... and spoof the system.
Later, the safe containing the secret documents is spoofed with the technique he invented.
Man on a ledge (2012)
Dos au mur
The diamond is in an hidden safe, fingerprint recognition...
...face recognition...
... and pin number. Very suspicious guy!