Facts about fingerprint
Quelques faits à propos des empreintes digitales

Twins have different fingerprints
Les jumeaux ont des empreintes différentes

While the overall appearence of monozygotic (identical) twins' fingerprints is often similar (a and c), they differ in the fine details (the locations of ridge starting and stopping); in addition, they are no more similar to each other than to some prints of unrelated individuals (b).

Bien que l'apparence globale des empreintes de jumeaux monozygotes soient souvent très similaires (a et c), elles diffèrent dans les détails (début et fin des lignes); de plus, elles ne sont pas plus similaires qu'avec des empreintes d'invidus sans liens de parenté (b).

Twins are a) and c)

Also, like twins, a clone is not a perfect copy, and fingerprints (and other non-genenic traits) will be different (recall this point when you see a movie such as The 6th day).

Un clone sera d'ailleurs aussi différent qu'un vrai jumeau peut l'être, et ses empreintes seront différentes de celles du donneur génétique (et rappelez-vous ce détail quand vous verrez un film comme A l'aube du 6ième jour).

Some people have unusual fingerprints
Certaines personnes ont des empreintes inhabituelles

Some people have some skin diseases which prevent normal formation of fingerprints, and we even know the case of one family which have no fingerprints (for genetic reason, probably). Also, the Magali (Naegeli) syndroma (a malfunction of a protein) prevents the formation of fingerprints.

Huang-Tien family no fingerprint

Certaines personnes ont une maladie de peau qui empêche une formation utilisable des empreintes, et on a même reporté le cas d'une famille qui n'avait pas d'empreintes digitales (une raison génétique, probablement). Le syndrome de Naegeli-Franceschetti-Jadassohn (causant un mauvais fonctionnement d'une proteine) empêche la formation des empreintes.

Travel warning with capecitabine

(Annals of Oncology Advance Access published online on May 26, 2009)
Capecitabine has been shown to have single-agent activity in recurrent and metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma. In summary, patients taking long-term capecitabine may have problems with regards to fingerprint identification when they enter United States' ports or other countries that require fingerprint identification and should be warned about this.

A Mutation in a Skin-Specific Isoform of SMARCAD1 Causes Autosomal-Dominant Adermatoglyphia

(2011) Monogenic disorders offer unique opportunities for researchers to shed light upon fundamental physiological processes in humans. We investigated a large family affected with autosomal-dominant adermatoglyphia (absence of fingerprints) also known as the "immigration delay disease." Using linkage and haplotype analyses, we mapped the disease phenotype to 4q22. One of the genes located in this interval is SMARCAD1, a member of the SNF subfamily of the helicase protein superfamily. We demonstrated the existence of a short isoform of SMARCAD1 exclusively expressed in the skin. Sequencing of all SMARCAD1 coding and noncoding exons revealed a heterozygous transversion predicted to disrupt a conserved donor splice site adjacent to the 3? end of a noncoding exon uniquely present in the skin-specific short isoform of the gene. This mutation segregated with the disease phenotype throughout the entire family. Using a minigene system, we found that this mutation causes aberrant splicing, resulting in decreased stability of the short RNA isoform as predicted by computational analysis and shown by RT-PCR. Taken together, the present findings implicate a skin-specific isoform of SMARCAD1 in the regulation of dermatoglyph development.

Some skin diseases such as psoriasis cause problems for proper fingerprint recognition.


Certaines maladies de peau comme le psoriasis provoquent des problèmes pour l'identification par les empreintes

Scars produce some unusual patterns that are easily recognizable.


Les cicatrices produisent des dessins inhabituels aisément reconnaissables.